Monday update 22-04-2019Berrymaster0 Greetings once again from the Blueberry farm! I hope you had a happy weekend. Well, I got some good news and some bad news. First,... More
Blueberries in Bloom 16-03-2019Berrymaster0 The field is in full bloom. March is busting out all over! Just thought you might want to see what Blueberry blossoms look like. Of... More
Ever wonder what I’m doing at the Blueberry farm? 13-02-2019Berrymaster0 Hello once again from the Blueberry farm! Often, I am asked what I do after harvest. And, I joke that I go to Las Vegas.... More
Harris County Master Growers Plant sale 02-01-2019Berrymaster0 Hello Blueberry friends! I hope that you had happy holidays, and you are staying dry today. Often we get asked where can Blueberry plants be... More
Season ends TODAY. 07-07-2018Berrymaster0 Hello from the Blueberry farm! Well, I just checked the Blueberry field, and we are just about out of Blueberries. So, today will be our... More
Running out of Blueberries 06-07-2018Berrymaster0 Blueberry picking for tomorrow will be fair to good. We are beginning to run out of Blueberries. Such that, Sunday, July 8th might be our... More
Good picking for Friday! 05-07-2018Berrymaster0 Good afternoon from the Blueberry farm! I just checked the field, and I am still finding lots of sweet Blueberries! The only thing, in order... More
Good picking for the 4th! 03-07-2018Berrymaster0 Hello again from the Blueberry farm! Our Blueberry season is starting to wind down. We still have lots of ripe Blueberries. It is just not... More
Great picking through Sunday evening! 30-06-2018Berrymaster0 Good afternoon from the Blueberry farm! Just finished checking the field and there are plenty of ripe Blueberries for you to pick! Not only by... More
Great picking for Friday afternoon and Saturday! 29-06-2018Berrymaster0 Hello everyone from the Blueberry farm! Well there are still lots of delicious Blueberries left for you to pick! I found a lot in the... More