The Blueberries are excellent and we’ve seen full buckets all morning! We will be open Saturday, June 1st until 9pm and Sunday, June 2nd from 6am to 9pm. We had more than 8 inches of rain over the week, but the road was no problem this morning even though it was still a little wet. The good news is that the rain and sunshine will ripen the next round of Blueberries, and there are so many of them that we will open Friday June 7th, Saturday June 8th, and Sunday June 9th from 6am to 9pm. Moorhead Blueberry Farm is finally able to add some weekdays!
As for how long the season will last, I think this will be a good one! Check out the picture: there are many more Blueberries yet to get ripe, so I hope (not guarantee) that we will go into July. We shall see. Thanks as always for being such excellent pickers and customers, and we hope you can make it out to the Blueberry farm!
Andy Pearson, Moorhead Blueberry Farm 281-572-1265