Moorhead Blueberry Farm Closed for 2024 Season

Moorhead’s Blueberry Farm is closed for the 2024 season. We hope to open again in late May or early June of 2025.

Thank you to all of our amazing pickers who made 2024 an excellent Blueberry Season! I think this is the first time that a season has ended because of a hurricane, but my daughter and I checked the field again and there just aren’t any good berries left. I was hoping a last batch would ripen, but they’ve stayed small and unripe. My guess is that Hurricane Beryl convinced the plants to shut down blueberry production and focus on their growth. The best news is that the plants came through the storm without any damage, other than the remaining ripe blueberries blowing off.

Thanks as always for all of the freely given advice and the fantastic conversations! We enjoy being able to do this and being able to meet so many wonderful people. I hope you all have had your electricity restored and that you came through the storm in good shape. I was caught flat-footed by this one, as I was expecting a tropical storm with a bunch of rain.  Instead we got a dose of extreme wind and many downed trees. I was so unprepared that my chainsaw was at the blueberry farm and I had to go get it after the storm to start cutting up the trees on our lawn. 

We will keep you posted about the 2025 season, and have a great year!

Andy Pearson, Moorhead Blueberry Farm

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