We have had excellent Blueberry picking this weekend, and it will be excellent tomorrow as well! They are getting ripe faster than we can get them picked.
The winter and Spring weather has pushed the entire crop back about two weeks, so this will be the first time that we will have a 4th of July weekend when the Tiff Blues and Brightwells are at their peak. We will be open tomorrow from 6:30am to 8:30pm and next Friday, Saturday and Sunday, July 4th as well.
We have had many requests to open on a weekday, and there are so many berries that we can do that without affecting the weekend picking. It’s supposed to rain all day Monday, so we will open on Wednesday, June 30th from 6:30am to 8:30pm. If your weekends are booked, this will be a great way to get out of the house and get some wonderful, ripe Blueberries! Hope to see you soon! Andy Pearson