Wow, this season is amazing! This picture is typical of the kinds of Blueberries that we are seeing in five different sections of the field. It is almost as though the plants didn’t notice the excellent pickers who came out last weekend. There will be great picking this weekend, and we will be open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 6:30am until 8:30pm. The early varieties like Climax and Premier are still loaded, and the later varieties like Tiff Blue and Brightwell are exploding. It’s the kind of crop that we have not seen in years, and I think it is due to a variety of factors: it was a bad crop last year, and the February freezes, rainy spring, and the recent sunshine have kicked the Blueberries into high gear. It will be an excellent weekend for picking. Some varieties that I thought were lost to the freeze have come on strong, like the small but sweet Garden Blues that my Grandmother loved so much. We hope to see you this weekend, but if not, we got a small rain yesterday that will ripen the later crop nicely.
Andy Pearson